Flax cultivation in Val Müstair

Become part of the project!

You can become part of this flax renaissance in Val Müstair in many ways. Here is a selection:
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Verein «Glin alpin» Freunde des Flachsanbaus Val Müstair

Begeistert Sie der Anbau und das Handwerk der traditionellen Weiterverarbeitung von Flachs? Werden Sie Teil des Vereins «Glin alpin».

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kennenLernSet from ziehLein

Order your «kennenLernSet» now! The set includes a little bag of linen seeds for 2m² as well as instructions on how to grow linen and informative background information.

Order kennenLernSet
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Do you have a green thumb? Cultivate flax!

You can cultivate flax yourself! Order the seeds and the nature park will help you with advice and support.

Order seeds
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«Sach da Marenda» The ambassador for flax cultivation

The handloom weaving Tessanda uses its creativity to further raise awareness of the project. In this context, it has produced a picnic bag made of 100% linen.

Order bag