For summit strikers

Trail running

Trail running – a sport that is also becoming increasingly popular in Val Müstair, and not without reason. The diverse network of hiking trails far away from civilization and the unspoilt nature make every trail runner's heart beat faster. Perfect infrastructure and good public transport connections round off the offer.


The trail running offer

Trail runners are guaranteed not to miss out in the Biosfera Val Müstair - the wide network of hiking trails through unspoilt nature offers trail running routes of all levels of difficulty and geographical altitudes. You can climb mountain peaks, reach mountain lakes or run through side valleys over hill and dale at running speed. The wonderful mountain panorama is always in sight. Find the perfect route for your next trail running adventure.

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From July to October

Biosfera Trail

Trail running turns nature into a running track. Our insider tip: the Biosfera Trail, where you can actively discover the Val Müstair and have a lot of fun!

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Over hill and dale

Trail running tours

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MapBiosfera-Trail – «il sportiv»
Trail Running Valchava
Biosfera-Trail – «il sportiv»
Jetzt geöffnet bis ${formattedHours.closesAtString}
Öffnet wieder am ${formattedHours.nextOpening.opensAtString}
52.9 km
10:40 h
2700 mhd
3900 mhd
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MapValbella Rundtour ab Ofenpass
Trail Running Tschierv
Valbella Rundtour ab Ofenpass
Jetzt geöffnet bis ${formattedHours.closesAtString}
Öffnet wieder am ${formattedHours.nextOpening.opensAtString}
9.8 km
1:55 h
391 mhd
403 mhd
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MapHöchstgelegener Arvenwald Europas und Passüberschreitung: S-charl – Lü
In the God da Tamangur Swiss stone pine forest just before Alp Astras.
Das abgelegene Bergdorf S-charl.
Trail Running Tschierv
Höchstgelegener Arvenwald Europas und Passüberschreitung: S-charl – Lü
Jetzt geöffnet bis ${formattedHours.closesAtString}
Öffnet wieder am ${formattedHours.nextOpening.opensAtString}
17.6 km
2:45 h
675 mhd
566 mhd
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MapBiosfera-Trail – «il dür»
Trail Running Valchava
Biosfera-Trail – «il dür»
Jetzt geöffnet bis ${formattedHours.closesAtString}
Öffnet wieder am ${formattedHours.nextOpening.opensAtString}
85.7 km
18:20 h
5413 mhd
5389 mhd
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MapLai da Rims Sta. Maria - Umbrailpass
Lai da Rims
Val Mora
Trail Running Valchava
Lai da Rims Sta. Maria - Umbrailpass
Jetzt geöffnet bis ${formattedHours.closesAtString}
Öffnet wieder am ${formattedHours.nextOpening.opensAtString}
21.4 km
4:30 h
1277 mhd
1277 mhd
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MapA la riva dal Rom Sta. Maria - Tschierv
A la riva dal Rom
A la riva dal Rom
Trail Running Valchava
A la riva dal Rom Sta. Maria - Tschierv
Jetzt geöffnet bis ${formattedHours.closesAtString}
Öffnet wieder am ${formattedHours.nextOpening.opensAtString}
10.8 km
1:55 h
404 mhd
33 mhd

Levels of difficulty

Level of difficulty For whom? Altitude and distance
Blue - easy Beginner 100-500 m altitude / distance 5-10 km
Red - medium Advanced 400-800 m altitude / distance 10-15 km
Black - difficult Pros 800+ m altitude / distance 15+ km
Level of difficulty
Blue - easy Red - medium Black - difficult
For whom?
Beginner Advanced Pros
Altitude and distance
100-500 m altitude / distance 5-10 km 400-800 m altitude / distance 10-15 km 800+ m altitude / distance 15+ km

A limitless adventure

One trail – three countries

The «Dreiländertour» is a spectacular running route that takes you through three countries and offers you an unforgettable experience amidst the breathtaking nature of the Alps.

For carefree trail running enjoyment

Helpful information

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Trailrunning Gebiete im Val Müstair & Unterengadin
Packing list

What equipment should not be missing when trail running? Let our material recommendation inspire you.

Jetzt geöffnet bis ${formattedHours.closesAtString}
Öffnet wieder am ${formattedHours.nextOpening.opensAtString}
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Trailrunning Charta
Trail running charta

With mutual respect, everyone has more fun during their activities in the soothing nature of Val Müstair.

Jetzt geöffnet bis ${formattedHours.closesAtString}
Öffnet wieder am ${formattedHours.nextOpening.opensAtString}
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Mother cow herds

So that you know where you might encounter mother cows and how to behave, we have compiled information for you here.

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Öffnet wieder am ${formattedHours.nextOpening.opensAtString}

Contact person on site

Do you have any questions about trail running? Are you still missing the equipment, the right trail running shoe or would you like advice from experts on site? These specialists will give you the best advice:

Manuela Zen / 079 672 07 71
Aline Oertli / 081 861 60 77


Trail running equipment

Sports store

Are you looking for the right trail running shoe and the ideal clothing for running in the mountains? Let experienced runners advise you.