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The old mill grinds again

Muglin Mall

Muglin Mall
Dating back to the 17th century, the Muglin Mall is one of the oldest mills in Switzerland that is still in working order. To this day, two straw wheels drive the mill and the stamp. For this purpose, the living power of the nearby Muranzina mountain stream is harnessed and fed to the wheels via steep water channels. Not only is the grain from the region ground in the mill, it has also always been a place for meeting and socialising.

The history of the mill

In the village alley Paclera, along the mountain stream Muranzina, there used to be various handicraft businesses, all of which depended on the use of water power: the mills, stamp mills, saws and forges. In 1676, the municipality of Sta. Maria granted the miller Jakob Cott the water right for the first time. The mill wheel turned until a few decades ago, then the wheels were removed and the water channels filled in. The mill was left to its own devices. Thanks to many donations and volunteers, the mill has been faithfully restored.

The path from grain to bread

The mill wheels have been turning again since 2004. When the water flaps in the stream are opened, the wheels start moving with a loud rattling sound. The rubbing and pounding inside the mill causes it to vibrate. But don't worry, even if the floor in the miller's parlour shakes, it is far from an earthquake. Rather, the smallest quantities of Münstertal grain are then processed into flour. During the summer months, the mill can be visited and guests can immerse themselves in the centuries-old craft on a guided tour and follow the path from grain to bread.

Watch Der Weg vom Korn zum Brot on YouTube.


Muglin Mall
Via Paclera 37
7536 Sta. Maria
Tel. +41 78 853 54 86