The Minschuns winter sports area reopens on 12.1.2025.

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In the wall


Klettergarten Pitsch in Müstair
For guests who like to go vertical like our ibexes, there are two climbing gardens in Val Müstair. One above the first hairpin bend from Tschierv in the direction of the Ofenpass and one in Müstair at the «Pisch» waterfall.

Climbing Garden Ofenpass


Access: 30 min. walk from the Süsom bus stop, Tschierv. Parking below the climbing garden on the Ofenpassstrasse.

1. Rumpatikessel 5b
2. La quarta 6a
3. Quart avaunt las desch 5c
4. Il sömi 6a
5. Val Müstair 1/4-fett 5c
Variants 1. Rumpatikessel 2. La quarta 3. Quart avaunt las desch 4. Il sömi 5. Val Müstair 1/4-fett
5b 6a 5c 6a 5c

Climbing Garden Pisch


Access: 30 min. walk from Müstair bus stop, Somvih. Parking at the Plazzöl playground.

Isicheezy 5c+
Linkev 6a
Ta tegna 6a+
Uorsina 6b+
Rösaspina 6b
Cascada 6c+
Sfessa 5c
Patschific 5b+
Minchületta 5b+
Nuscher 5c
Variants Isicheezy Linkev Ta tegna Uorsina Rösaspina Cascada Sfessa Patschific Minchületta Nuscher
5c+ 6a 6a+ 6b+ 6b 6c+ 5c 5b+ 5b+ 5c
Klettergarten Pitsch in Müstair


  • The routes are equipped with pitons.
  • Bring along: Personal climbing equipment, expresses, 50m rope
  • Disclaimer: Climbing the routes requires good physical condition and technical knowledge of climbing. The use of the described routes is at your own risk.
  • During shooting practice at the shooting range (Wednesdays 17:00 - 20:30) it is not advisable to climb in the «Pisch» climbing garden.
  • The maintenance of the climbing garden «Pisch» is guaranteed. The maintenance of the climbing garden on the Ofenpass is not guaranteed.