Versatile on the road in the Biosfera Val Müstair

Livio Conrad

Vielseitig unterwegs im Naturpark Biosfera Val Müstair.
For many years, the young man from Münstertal used his energy to make forestry in Val Müstair as sustainable as possible for people and the environment. He can recharge his batteries particularly well on the hunt and on hikes in the colourful autumn season.
Livio der Leiter Forstwesen Val Müstair.

Livio, the forestry engineer

As the former operations manager of the Val Müstair forestry office, Livio was responsible not only for forest management but also for the maintenance of alpine and tourist infrastructure. An exciting mix between office and field work. Even as a child, Livio spent most of his free time in the forests and mountains of Graubünden. Therefore, it was soon clear to him that he would start training as a forest engineer after school. His interest in the subject of forests, mountains and the associated natural hazards and challenges grew more and more. Today he heads the forestry office in Zernez.

Livio Conrad

Master of the trails

His range of activities includes mostly planning, management and supervisory functions. In his function as forest engineer, he reserves the right to occasionally inspect the summer and winter hiking trails himself and to assess the condition of the trail network. For the passionate hiker in him, this is a welcome change.

Autumn atmosphere

With his faithful companion - the dog Luna - Livio enjoys hiking through the autumnal picture-book landscape of Val Müstair. In October, the green landscape slowly changes into a contrasting natural landscape with golden-yellow larches, fiery red barberries and the first fields of snow. In Val Müstair there are several hikes where you can easily observe this transformation.

Livio's hiking tip

In his beloved hunting area, on the border with the Italian Stilfserjoch National Park, Livio particularly enjoys hiking and ski touring. He particularly likes one of the most beautiful and at the same time most spectacular tours in Val Müstair: Val Gronda – Sassa Marscha – Alp Sielva – MüstairAlong this hike you pass impressive steep slopes of the Sassa Marscha («rotten stone»), see the Val Schais landslide and follow the original Val Pisch down into Val Müstair. The hike offers a unique view of Val Müstair, up the valley you can see towards the Ofen Pass and down the valley towards Müstair. Due to the exposed nature of some sections, you need to be free of giddiness and have a sure footing. This demanding tour should only be undertaken in dry conditions.

The passionate hunter

Together with his dog Luna, Livio goes on the annual hunt in Val Müstair. A particularly strong bond has developed between Livio and Luna. Hunting in Graubünden is demanding and requires intensive preparation. In addition to observations, it is also important to constantly study the behaviour and habits of the wild animals.

Livio der passionierte Jäger.

In keeping with the theme

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