Best mountain cereals
Graun Val Müstair

Mountain cereal cultivation has a long tradition in Val Müstair. To safeguard this branch of production and to preserve the cultural landscape, a new grain collection point will be built in 2022. This will ensure the cultivation, processing and refinement of local grain.
The cultural landscape of the Val Müstair is known for its arable terraces and the grain fields blowing in the wind, which alternate with grassland in a mosaic-like manner. Cereal cultivation is thus not only important for agriculture, but also for intact biodiversity.
The future of cereal cultivation
The suppliers of the new grain collection point are all members of Agricultura Val Müstair. Some of the grain is milled on site and sold as high-quality flour or processed in the bakery. The flours are also labelled with the nature park's product label. The current direct sales of eight tonnes of grain are to be increased to 14 tonnes in the next few years. The organic cereal flour and the specialities from the Meier-beck bakery (Schaibiettas, rye bread, etc.) are sold through Granalpin, the local sales point in the bakery and in the monastery. The carrier of the cereal processing is the Società Graun Jauer.