Travelling through time

Educational offers at the UNESCO World Heritage Site

Convent of St. John
Travel back in time at the St. Johann Monastery World Heritage Site in Müstair. Here, pupils learn about life in the Middle Ages, explore historical artefacts and get creative.
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Besichtigungen im Kloster

Diving into the past Life in the medieval monastery

The guided tour gives an insight into the life of nuns past and present and introduces pupils to the 1200-year-old, moving history of the monastery.

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Being creative Colour workshop in the monastery

Medieval paintings and frescoes are viewed in St John's Abbey and the painting technique is explained. Afterwards, pigments are stirred according to historical models and wooden panels are painted.

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Schätze unter der Erde

Treasures beneath the earth The archaeological archive of the monastery

Under the monastery, over 25,000 artefacts from prehistory and early history are waiting to be discovered on an exclusive guided tour.

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