The cross village

Sta. Maria in Val Müstair

Dorfbild Sta. Maria
Centrally located, Sta. Maria offers a wealth of hotels, gastronomic offerings and cultural highlights. Visit the Tessanda hand weaving mill, where fine fabrics are made into beautiful things, or the historic Muglin Mall, with the oldest functioning mill in Switzerland.

Discover Sta. Maria

Sta. Maria is considered the main town of Val Müstair due to its geographical location. From here, the Umbrail Pass road, which is only open in summer, leads over to the Italian Veltlin and the summer ski area on the Stilfserjoch. The density of cultural offerings is also remarkable. While old craftsmanship awaits you in the Tessanda hand weaving mill and the Muglin Mall, the Museum 14/18 brings the war events on the Umbrail back to life. Whisky lovers, on the other hand, can look forward to the «Smallest Whisky Bar on Earth».

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Bake your own bread Muglin Mall

The oldest, still functioning mill in Switzerland is located in Sta. Maria. Guests of the old mill can bake their own bread in a convivial setting.

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Museum 14/18

The look back Museum 14/18

The exhibition in Museum 14/18 provides its visitors with a lot of interesting information about the border occupation during the First World War 1914 - 1918.

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Whiskybar in Sta. Maria im Val Müstair

Small and fine Whisky bar

Sta. Maria is home to the world's smallest whisky bar, which even has an entry in the Guinness Book of Records. The bar is definitely worth a visit - Slainte!

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