Event Müstair

Making fall decorations - Workshop

Autumn decorations made from various natural materials, such as cones, an autumn basket that can be individually decorated.


27.09.2024 from 14:00 to 17:30 o'clock
85 CHF
Hotel Chasa Chalavaina

Autumn has arrived. Summer is over. The apples and pears have been harvested. The days are getting shorter.
This afternoon we will make an autumn basket from various natural materials, such as cones, which can be individually decorated. We will also make a wire basket filled with ornamental pumpkins.

Where: Chasa Chalavaina Müstair Via Maistra 70 (Selm House)
When: Friday, 27.09.2024 from 14.00 - 17.30 hrs.
Registration: Registration required by 16.09.2024
Number of participants: min. 5 persons max. 10 persons
Cost: CHF 85.00 incl. materials and coffee break

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


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